These workshops are generally aimed at organizations that assist small business owners in establishing or expanding their businesses.

I offer a range of workshops designed to equip your clients with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the challenging world of business. My workshops are flexible and can be tailored to fit your schedule, with options for one-hour, three-hour, or multiple sessions.

My one-hour workshops are designed to provide you with valuable insights into various aspects of business. For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, my three-hour or multiple session workshops include practical exercises and group discussions.

Here is a list of workshop themes I offer

Understanding Your Business Model: Learn how to create a unique value proposition for your clients using the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas.

Mastering Imposter Syndrome: Entrepreneurs are among the most susceptible to imposter syndrome. This workshop aims to help you understand its origins and find ways to counter it.

Effective Networking for Introverts: Learn how to choose networking events, prepare for them, follow up, and discover networking techniques specifically designed for introverts.

Creating Your Own Website with Google Sites: Google Sites is a free, intuitive web development tool perfect for those without web development experience. This workshop is ideal for entrepreneurs who want an online presence while being mindful of their budget.

Maximizing Business Success: Based on the book "The E-Myth Revisited", this workshop will help you understand how to grow your business without becoming enslaved by it.

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Presence: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs looking for clients, business partners, or suppliers. This workshop will teach you how to use LinkedIn effectively to grow your professional network.

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Forge your path to success by learning key skills needed to effectively lead a business.

Improving Customer Retention for Sustainable Growth: This workshop covers key concepts, measures and analyses, retention strategies, complaint and return management, after-sales service, and planning an effective retention strategy.

Managing Stress as an Entrepreneur: Understand, manage, and reduce stress to improve your well-being and professional performance.

Differentiating from Competition with Blue Ocean Strategy: Based on the book "Blue Ocean Strategy", this workshop covers key concepts such as creating uncontested market spaces, the importance of value and innovation, and how to make competition irrelevant.

Growth Mindset: Understand and adopt a growth mindset, a key approach to overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities, and succeeding in the business world.

Overcome your obstacles. Support yourself with business coaching, today!

Wondering how I can help you? Book a free 15-minute consultation to answer any question you might have.



Project and Program Manager

A very rewarding experience to repeat, Coach Frédérique. Thank you


Amel Souid Mezaguer

Sales & Communication Expert

Thank you, Frédérique Niel for this workshop. Instructive and inspiring! See you soon!

Use the calendar below for a 15-minute free meeting. Make sure to change the time zone if necessary.


Phone: +1 604 685 1233

Vancouver, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Business Coach certifiée
Certified Business Coach

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